High Point Party Was a Crazy Good Time & Smash Hit!

Devin Burke gives quick speech High Point party
“People were saying it was the best High Point party they’ve ever been to,” Universal Cargo CEO Devin Burke said after Classy Art’s Secret Garden party.
Burke should know; no one gets out there and talks to people more than Universal Cargo’s CEO.
We, here at Universal Cargo, were happy to sponsor this High Point market kick-off party in appreciation of the customers and friends for whom we import furniture.
And, oh, was this party packed with the furniture industry’s finest, all having a great time, eating hors d’oeuvres, drinking cocktails, dancing to the live music, winning prizes, handling snakes–Wait. What?
Don’t worry. No one had to hold a snake who didn’t want to.
The night was full of surprises. A costumed woman mingling in the crowd with giant snakes was not nearly the biggest.
Classy Art definitely had a vision for the party and as Burke said, “Classy Art’s vision was realized.”
The party had spectacle, opportunity to mingle, but also places where people could sit and have conversations with colleagues and friends.
Of course, it was hard to resist getting back out there where all the action was happening.
One very popular portion of the party was the raffle.
“Raffle idea was good idea and the highlight of the party,” Burke said. “A lot of customers showed up with 2 of our customers winning prizes (1 from each raffle).”
You can talk to people who were at the party like Universal Cargo Account Executive and Operations Manager Kelly Liu and Tim Hu who will tell you that it was “really good” and “pretty cool”; however, to get an idea of how much fun people were having, it would be better to check out the pictures below.
Thank you to everyone who was at the party to make it such a huge success!